Why Eating in Season is Healthier

Did you notice that with each season you crave something else? Or you gravitate around certain foods? That’s because with the change of season and, therefore, temperature, your body is trying to stay balanced and compensate for what is lacking most. Also, your body naturally adapts to the produce that’s in season, and it’s best you consume seasonal foods, as that’s when their natural concentration of nutrients and flavor is at its best.
During fall and winter, for instance, our diet calls for foods high in protein and fat. During spring, low-fat foods are recommended, and during summer, a naturally high-carbohydrate diet is said to be best. The body naturally craves soups, nuts, warm grains, and protein like meat and fish during the winter to stay warm; low-fat foods like salads, berries, and leafy greens in the spring to feel light; and naturally high-carbohydrate foods like fruits and vegetables in the summer to keep the body cool.

Eating with the seasons allows you to eat as nature intended.

When you eat in season you tend to eat more locally grown produce, which is a lot healthier than eating produce that has been grown far away and went through long shipments and many hands until it reached your table. The more hands and time involved until it reaches your table, the less nutrient dense your food gets.
So, when you can, go for locally grown produce and adjust your eating habits and menu based on what’s fresh and in season. And chances are the produce that’s in season and locally grown is cheaper as well. What better reason to keep your eyes open for local and seasonal produce?

Top 3 Benefits of Seasonal Foods:

  • More nutrient dense and less chemicals used in the cultivation process, as the soil and climate conditions are naturally prone to their harvest
  • More flavor – due to following a natural, unforced, harvest process
  • Cheaper – due to less energy consumed, compared to growing produce out of season, and less costs associated with transit time in the case of shipment from great distance.
In order to ensure optimal nourishment this summer season, focus on consuming the following foods that are naturally grown during summer months:
  • Fruits: berries, watermelon, apple, pear, plum, peaches, cherries, cantaloupe, apricots.
  • Vegetables: summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, eggplants, green beans, okra, sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini.
  • Spices: peppermint, cilantro, dill, parsley.
To find locally grown and seasonal produce look for a Farmers Market near you. Check you this website for information on various Farmers Markets in your area. You could even consider joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and have seasonal crops delivered to you year long. Check out this website for CSAs in your area.
And since watermelon is a staple of summer what could be better than finding all kinds of creative ways for consuming it all summer long?  From eating it as is, to adding it to salads, to drinks and why not soups.
Ever since I first tried chilled soups in Provence I have been trying all kinds of combinations of various summer fruits and vegetables myself, in an attempt to match that familiar taste that reminds me of the lovely Provence.  But watermelon and cantaloupe chilled soups are by far my favorites.
So, the other day I just made this delicious Healthy-Zesty Watermelon Soup and I wanted to share it with you. There are all kinds of variations to making it, but this is the way I make it. Served chilled on a hot summer day it indulges all your senses and refreshes your body guaranteed! Get the full recipe here…
How about you, do you have any summer favorites you would like to share? Share away in the comments below. I”d love to hear from you.

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