The secret to losing weight and feeling great

The Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great

Looking to lose weight? Here is what you need to know…

If your New Years’ resolution is to lose weight and feel great you need to do this first.
More often than not weight gain is the result of a gut imbalance. You probably heard of the friendly and not so friendly bacteria in our gut… It is the balance between those types of bacteria that could be compromising your weight loss efforts or making you gain weight in the first place.
About 70% of our immune system is located in the gut. As a result, more microbes and bacteria are found in the gut than in the rest of the body. What we eat directly impacts the composition of the microbiome and thus our immune system.  When our gut is out of balance our ability to properly digest food and assimilate nutrients is compromised as well, which results in weight gain, digestive distress and even depression. I talk a lot about this and how to heal your gut for vibrant health in my newly released book – Your Healthy Zesty Life.
It is important that we maintain a healthy balance of the good (beneficial) bacteria versus bad bacteria, in order for our gut to function properly (about 85 to 15 ratio is ideal, although the more good bacteria the better).
The good bacteria is friendly to us and helps our gut stay happy and healthy, whereas the bad bacteria is not friendly at all, it actually eats away our intestinal friends. So the more friends you make on the inside, the better chances you have to win the war against the intestinal enemies and take control of your health and weight! And the goal is not only to make friends but to nourish and maintain them as well; just like you do with relationships in real life.
To make more intestinal friends you need to eat more probiotic promoting foods and less of the gut hurting foods, such as refined carbs and sugars.
To maintain the great friends you made you need to treat them well, so they grow bigger and don’t run away. You need to nourish them with dietary fiber from plants and prebiotics like inulin, psyllium, and other non-digestible dietary fiber that not only feeds the friendly bacteria but helps you properly digest food and move it smoothly down the colon and into the toilet.
Therefore, the first step you need to take when attempting weight loss consists of healing your gut. By healing your gut you boost your metabolism, which ignites the fat burning engine, helps you lose weight and keep it down, and most importantly – feel great, since the gut sits at the core of our mental and physical health!
In my newly released book – Your Healthy Zesty Life – I am presenting a series of action steps meant to improve your gut health, boost your energy and alertness.
The “side effect’? You lose weight and feel great!
If you are ready to experience your own ‘side effect’, you can order the book directly on Amazon now or get more information about the book here >>

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