More and more people brag about going gluten-free these days, like it’s the next best thing when it comes to a healthy diet. Even the most conventional grocery stores take pride in the variety of gluten-free options they stack up on the shelves of their middle section (which by the way are the ones packed with overly processed and packaged foods).
Which begs the question…
Is gluten-free really healthier?
Well, the answer is both yes and no.
Just like with any food and diet, it really depends on the quality and nutritional value of the food consumed.
Many people following a gluten-free regimen reported improvements in their GI issues, mood, alertness and even weight. But eat the wrong type of gluten-free food and you’ll get loads of sugar, refined carbs and unnecessary empty calories.
How to Avoid the Gluten-free Traps
Beware: Just because it’s gluten-free it doesn’t always mean it’s better!
When it comes to a gluten-free diet there are two avenues one could take (or a combination of the two):
The gluten-free junkie – where the focus is on foods rich in refined carbs with no nutritional value. Foods such as potato chips, corn puffs and excessively refined baked goods which are full of added sugars and additives to make up for the lack of gluten. In this case, the answer is no, gluten-free is not healthier; although it might be necessary in the case of a serious medical condition such as celiac disease or gluten allergy.
The nutritarian diet – based on the consumption of nutrient-dense and plant rich foods. That entails the consumption of vegetables, legumes and naturally gluten-free whole grains. Whole grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth and the like are great gluten-free options. And as you might have guessed, this is what a truly healthy diet should look like, whether it’s gluten-free or not; rich in whole, unprocessed foods.
There is nothing bad with consuming gluten-free baked goods occasionally, although I must say it’s better you bake it yourself, so you avoid the unnecessary added additives, trans fats and sugars.
Aside from knowing to choose the true healthy avenue when going gluten-free you need to know that in many cases a gluten-free diet does have its benefits when done right.
Every so often we hear a new story about how someone’s health improved dramatically as a result of ditching the gluten from their diet. You probably wonder if you might be one of them.
A gluten-free diet is recommended and sometimes needed in the following cases:
In the case of a gluten allergy
When suffering from celiac disease
In the case of a gluten sensitivity
While people suffering from celiac disease or gluten allergy MUST avoid gluten at all costs, people reporting sensitivity to gluten might benefit from ditching the gluten as well, but their life is not endangered by the occasional consumption of gluten.
What is gluten sensitivity?
Gluten sensitivity occurs when your body has a harder time digesting the protein found in gluten (called gliadin). The immune system negatively reacts to it by attacking the protein found in gluten, just like it would a foreign invader, generating an inflammatory response . As a result, the following symptoms could occur:
Upper and lower GI issues: indigestion, bloating, heartburn, excessive burping, diarrhea, constipation.
Foggy mind
Reduced alertness and energy
Joint pains
How can you tell if you have a gluten sensitivity?
If these symptoms sound familiar and you suspect gluten might be a trigger point for you, try to eliminate gluten from your diet completely for at least 2 weeks and notice how you feel (changes in mood, alertness, GI issues, etc.).
After the elimination period, slowly integrate gluten into your diet and make note of any changes you might experience. If you felt a lot better while off gluten and now your symptoms are coming back, chances are gluten might be a problem for you and you should avoid it or consume it only occasionally. Either way, talk to your doctor about your symptoms to rule out a more serious condition.
Do you want to eat gluten-free but you ran out of recipes ideas? Sign-up for my weekly healthy-zesty tips and recipes here, so you get notified immediately when new recipes are posted!
Are you curious about how you could make simple tweaks to your diet and lifestyle so you feel and look your best? Let’s talk! Schedule a complimentary health coaching consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about!
A cancer survivor and holistic health enthusiast, I am a firm believer that what we feed our body and soul has a huge impact on our overall well-being. Therefore, I advocate for an integrative approach that focuses not only on nutrition, but on self-care and lifestyle choices in a bio-individual way.
Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching.
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