Juicing Benefits

What You Need to Know About Juicing


To Juice or Not to Juice?

Do you wonder if juicing is really the best next thing? Or do you debate between juicing and blending?
Let me start by saying that both juicing and blending have their advantages and they both should be part of a healthy diet. But they have a slightly different impact on the body when consumed.
Here is how I explain the differences to my clients:
♥ Drinking a freshly pressed juice is like getting an instant boost of vitamins rushing through your body, nourishing your every cell instantly. In order to make a glass of juice you have to press way more vegetables and fruits to extract the actual juice, so it has a higher concentration of vitamins and nutrients.
♥ Drinking a smoothie has the benefit of providing your body with fiber, on top of being more filling and providing certain vitamins and nutrients (although in a smaller concentration than with a juice). However, you don’t feel the effect of those nutrients in an instant. It’s more of a slow release, which is sometimes preferred, especially when dealing with blood sugar issues.
♥ I personally love freshly pressed juices, especially green juices, as they are nutrient dense and have very little naturally occurring sugars. Ever since I got my juicer for Christmas I have been experimenting with juicing every morning. I drink it when I want a quick boost in energy, or when I need to detox after a heavier meal the night before or even too much wine (even 2 glasses of wine feel like too much for me these days…).

Benefits of Juicing (IIN®)

♥ Fast and easy absorption of nutrients
♥ Increased energy levels
♥ Clearer thinking ability
♥ Glowing eyes and skin
♥ Strong hair and nails
♥ Heightened sense of taste and smell
♥ Strengthened immune system
♥ Improved appetite control
♥ Provides a healthy rest for your digestive system
♥ Health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables that you wouldn’t normally eat raw or whole.

Tips for maximizing the health benefits of your juice

♥ When juicing or even blending, always use more vegetables than fruits. Aim for a 3 to 1 ratio. I typically add half of an apple when making a green juice and the rest is made out of greens (kale, collard greens, cucumber, cabbage, broccoli…). Additionally, I always add about an inch of a ginger root and up to ½ of a lime, in order to give the green drink a more palatable taste.
♥ When first starting your juicing adventure use vegetables you enjoy consuming without being juiced. Add new vegetables as you become more accustomed with juicing.
♥ Experiment with herbs, such as parsley, cilantro and mint. Starts with just a few springs at first, as herbs are very potent in taste.
♥ Consume the juice immediately after pressing in order to avoid oxidation, which will make the juice loose it’s nutritional benefits.
♥ Stick to one color palette when deciding on which vegetables and fruits to combine, so the resulting color is appealing to you. I personally stick to 3 colors: green, red and orange .
♥ For adding sweetness to any juice, go for half of an apple to an apple for any juice color as it’s very versatile and won’t change the overall color of your juice. Use orange when going for an orange colored juice (in which case you would use carrots with it).
♥ Experiment with new veggies that you wouldn’t otherwise consume in a different form.
♥ Consume a glass of freshly pressed juice on an empty stomach for better absorption and for starting off the day feeling energized!
For more on juicing Download your free copy of the juicing guide, including recipes Need more tips on juicing, best juicer types and easy recipes?
Download your FREE  juicing guide: Juicing 101 provided by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.



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